a peoples’ conference on the imf-wbg/
cadi ayyad university club, marrakech, morocco/ 8-9 october 2023

The Conference

reclaim our future!

Social movements and civil society — from organisations in the Arab region and the global South, to Indigenous Peoples organisations and food sovereignty advocates — will co-organise the Reclaim Our Future Conference. It is a Southern-led event, encouraging participation of peoples around the world, towards tracing the IMF-WBG’s historical and systemic accountability for the multiple crises, and contributing to developing a counter-narrative, via a people’s history of these institutions. 

On October 8-9, the Conference will feature plenaries on the current agenda of the IMF-WBG, the interventions of these IFIs in West Asia as well as Africa in general, and workshops on tracing these institutions’ responsibility for crises — all as elements towards a people’s history, with a focus on the accountability of the IMF-WBG for systemic harms.

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will you be in marrakech, morocco for the imf-wb annual meetings?


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